Reasons | Kohl Kitzmiller
About Me

Greetings and welcome to Kohl Kitzmiller Music! Primarily, I identify as an artist with an insatiable passion for creation. Over the trajectory of my professional journey, I have unveiled a series of solo albums and compositions, in addition to curating an extensive selection of social media content encompassing a diverse spectrum, ranging from barbershop tags to a cappella video game covers. My focus remains on fostering the growth of the artistic facet of my enterprise by consistently generating captivating content and sharing it with the world!
Established in 2015, Kohl Kitzmiller Music predominantly centered its operations around producing a cappella learning tracks catered prominently to communities of barbershop singers. These learning tracks serve as a tool that enables singers to learn their part without requiring the necessity of reading sheet music. Soon after, I expanded my scope to include custom vocal arrangements for quartets and choruses within the barbershop community. Furthermore, I record and produce albums for quartets and choruses. As my business continues to evolve, I intend to create more solo albums, singles, and social media content.
Beyond my professional pursuits, I am honored to serve as the baritone of Instant Classic, a quartet that clinched the prestigious title of the 2015 Barbershop Harmony Society International Quartet Champions. This role affords me the opportunity to create music and embark on international travels alongside my closest friends – an experience that fills me with immense gratification. I also held the position of baritone in the highly acclaimed mixed-voice quartet, Half & Half, a trailblazing ensemble that paved the way for numerous other mixed quartets within the Barbershop Harmony Society. Additionally, I play a pivotal role as both a musical leader in Circle City Sound, a notable barbershop chorus located in Indianapolis, IN.
My sole aspiration is to infuse positivity and brightness into lives through my musical endeavors. It is my sincere hope that my music resonates with you and brings light to your world.